North Carolina has long been known as the “writingest state,” and the thing about writers is — we read, y’all. So having a good bookstore or twenty is as essential […]
North Carolina Places
Ava Gardner Museum Celebrates Celebrity
We’re fortunate to have a former museum docent guest posting for us today. Lisa Sullivan is a powerhouse of adventure. She’s active in her community and online. She’s brought […]
Civil Rights Movement Has Roots in NC
The history of the South is complex, just as it is in points around the globe. Our story is deep and vast, and most importantly, defined by the lens we […]
GUITAR: The Instrument That Rocked The World {Summer Adventure List}
Discovery Place science museum in Charlotte, NC, will always be one of my favorite places to visit in the Queen City. They consistently bring top tier exhibits to our area […]
Cotton Is Part of NC’s Fiber
There’s one ubiquitous thing we all have tucked away in our closet or nestled into a drawer. Comfy cotton. Be it jammies, a ratty college T-shirt, jeans that rock our […]